Holistic Healing – The Whole Human Approach

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Elizabeth_Eckert]Elizabeth Eckert

“Treat the person, not the disease. The cause, not the effect.” These words of Dr. Edward Bach (who developed the Bach Flower Essences) describe the essence of holistic healing. It’s not the easiest course we might choose as humans. Yet many today find it the most satisfying and effective.

Here’s how it goes. A person living the best life they know how somehow makes a mistake. Big deal. We all do it. But actions have their consequences. And some mistakes cost more than others.

Acting on the thought “I’m too scared to let my partner know what I’m really feeling” turns into a divorce.
Internalizing the feeling “I feel isolated from my family and community” becomes heart disease.
Repeatedly living the lie “My needs aren’t as important as everyone else’s” may result in breast cancer.
“I’m not worth the trouble” can lead to personal and financial ruin, as well as a wide assortment of chronic and degenerative health problems.

They’re big mistakes.

Yet when the average person arrives at the average doctor’s office to deal with the results of those mistakes, it’s unlikely that the exploration would go that deep. If it did, the average person would most likely be embarrassed. They might even change doctors.

“What business is it of theirs?” average Joe or Jane would ask, affronted. “I just want the pill.”

Our Western medical system, effective as it is in dealing with emergencies, has a less stellar reputation when it comes to dealing with conditions that develop over time. It doesn’t think holistically. It thrives on handing out the pill.

Fortunately, we are living in a time when that model is sometimes challenged. It’s not always comfortable, but it is what works. I don’t know about you, but if I have a choice between protecting my comfort zone or dying of some nasty disease, alone and broke, I’d take the temporary discomfort.

Holistic approach? You betcha! Bring it on!

Sure, it makes me feel vulnerable to let my partner know what I’m really feeling. But am I ready to die to avoid the feeling? Absolutely not! I don’t want the heart disease, don’t want the cancer, don’t want the varied assorted health problems, don’t want financial ruin, and don’t want the divorce. Sign me up and bring on the healing!

There are any number of books on the market that offer up their wisdom on the connections between certain life events and their resulting disease manifestations. Authors like Louise Hay and Caroline Myss offer incredibly valuable insights. I recommend them wholeheartedly!

Ultimately, though, each person’s situation is unique and personal. You are not an example in a book. You are you. Your intricate situation is not to be replicated. And the person most qualified to diagnose your imbalance … uncomfortable as this may be to hear … is you.

Yet most of us won’t undertake this process well alone. For good reason. It’s incredibly difficult to be objective about our own stuff! The ideal situation, then, is to find a coach. A mentor. A guide. Someone to sit with you through the process, nudging a little when you need it. In essence, a “healing doula” to surf along as you glide toward that next level of conscious awareness.

Some things we do well alone. Other times we need the company. Holistically, it just makes sense!

Elizabeth Eckert coaxes, cajoles, and gently guides the creation of healing intent. She’s the founder of http://www.wordcures.com and author of Word Cures: How to Keep Stupid Excuses From Sabotaging Your Health. Align your whole self for health … starting today! Share Arielle’s real-life story: [http://www.wordcures.com/HealthyLiving/HealingEnergy.html]The power of positive healing intention.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elizabeth_Eckert http://EzineArticles.com/?Holistic-Healing—The-Whole-Human-Approach&id=1844476

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